Intel Releases their Annual Report

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INTC Annual Report [SEC]
Five years ago, we set out a strategy to transform from a PC-centric to a data-centric company. Our 2018 results serve as a strong proof point that our strategy is working and our transformation is well underway. We achieved record revenue and earnings per share (EPS), driven by strong business performance, continued operating leverage, and a lower tax rate. Revenue from our data-centric businesses collectively increased by double digits. Our PC-centric business grew above our expectations and continued to be a source of profit, cash flow, scale, and intellectual property (IP). While we have had delays in implementing our 10 nanometer (nm) manufacturing process technology, we have continued to innovate in our 14nm products, introducing leadership products that deliver more value to our customers. We've expanded beyond PC and server businesses with significant growth in adjacent products, and gained share in an expanded $300 billion TAM1. Our employees are executing to our strategy by developing compelling technology and delivering innovative products to our customers, enabling strong financial growth.
10-KannualBeyond Technical AnalysisINTCreport
