
Blackbox BUY signal on IOTA/USD

On June 2nd our Blackbox generated a BUY signal for Iota IOTAUSD. The algorithm has a 50% chance of winning with a risk-to-reward ratio of 1:5 or better based on historical results in 80+ coins and more than 400 historical signals in both USD and Bitcoin.

The Blackbox is based on a proprietary, rule-based algorithm that generates buying and selling signals in cryptocurrencies for institutional finance and professional investors. Harnessing 15 years experience of currency and futures market trading, the Blackbox introduces the institutional discipline and the statistical bias to the volatile cryptocurrency market.

Meet the team and pre-register for access to the Blackbox at
This BUY signal marks the 3rd trade our Blackbox has generated in IOTA/USD. The last buy signal was on November 8th, 2017 with an exit on January 16th, 2018 with a gain of 446%. The first buy signal was on September 9th, 2017, lasted for only nine days with a loss of -24%. Stay tuned for the upcoming exit signal in MIOTA/USD. read more about our the underlying algorithm and track-record at
Trade closed: stop reached
IOTA/USD was is stopped out with a loss of 29% against following last nights sharp decline in cryptocurrencies. This is one of several losses to close recently an it is typical for losses and winners to come in groups. The algorithm is not bulletproof, but our historical performance has show that any 12 month period of time since 2013 is profitable - this of course contingent of following the signals exactly as they are specified and using position sizes that match selected portfolio strategy.
Trend Analysis
