Depending on how closely you're watching price action, things may seem like a whipsaw. To those standing back a bit, it seems that we've been at a standstill. To me, it's been a standstill, the market is confused and flooded with so much data and conflicting news. My consensus: jobless claims recently published yet another fall. I presume the market sees this as pushing inflation and therefore not good news. Yesterday, Fitch downgraded US treasuries to AA+ from AAA. Some important notes here, the first being that Fitch is concerned with the growing deficit, fair enough. They expect 'fiscal deterioration' over the next 3 years and a growing general debt burden (the deficit will continue). More importantly however, they're concerned with 'the erosion of governance related to AA and AAA peers over the last two decades that has manifested in repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions.' All else being equal, I think Fitch pretty on the money. Two more important thoughts, Fitch is the smallest of the top 3 ratings agencies (S&P, Moodys, Fitch) and therefore it seems like they have the most wiggle room and the least to lose by doing this, it also gives them the spotlight for a time. Also to note, the only other time US treasuries have been downgraded by one of the big 3 was by S&P in 2011, the rating was then subsequently upgraded and most of those who made the downgrade were fired.
So how do I boil this down? I'm not exactly sure yet. The United States has lived in a budget deficit for too long.