Princess Gwendolyn here, with a market update. Ballgowns and tiaras are expensive, so this princess relies on her skills as a trader to keep in Versace.
This princess sold her equities before the market took a tumble, and now is looking for what to expect for 2018/2019. Rather than try to guess, I like to find a market that looks similar, and use it as an analog. Here I'm looking at the 2008 market meltdown, which actually happened in 2007. The markets peaked in October 2007, and went down for most of the next year. If the US market behaves as it did back in '07, I would expect a 20% drop in the next month or two. If the market doesn't do this, and instead recovers, then all is sunshine and rainbows. Otherwise, this could be the start of a long, ugly market downturn.