5 Stupid Trading Advice Points

By Timonrosso
A staggering 98% of traders inevitably stumble and tumble into the abyss of financial loss.

Why such a high failure rate, you ask?

It’s because failed traders try to preach their failures (as they think that’s how it is).

They develop these narcissistic methods, where they misguide others and are too blinded by their own failures.

Few years later, they’re back in their parents basements playing games or working at Mc Donald’s.

I want to share and explore five such stupid advice points that can send even the most promising trading careers down a spiral of regret and loss.

Go big or go home – a fool’s motto for financial Russian roulette.

In the world of high stakes and adrenaline rush, the mantra ‘Go big or go home’ might sound like a call to glory.

It might sound like a quick way to riches.

However, when you say this. You’re destined for a financial land mine eventually.

Going ‘big’ in trading terms typically means putting a large chunk of your capital into one or a few trades.

And yes, it might very well pay off in the short term.

It may pay handsomely. But for how long until you blow your entire account?

Smart trading advocates a balanced approach, including diversified portfolios and proper risk management techniques.

It’s more about ‘Go steady and stay in the game’ than ‘Go big or go home’.

The next trade will be better – as reliable as a fortune cookie’s prophecy.

This is another common trap.

They just took a loss and now they feel, the next trade will be a winner.


This is a dangerous mindset which will lead you to ‘revenge trading.’

Trading is not a series of independent events.

Your next trade is not guaranteed to be better simply because you lost the previous one.

And we can NEVER predict with certainty which trade will win.

You need to approach each trade objectively.

Don’t let past performances cloud your judgment.

Don’t let a false and fabricated future bring on trading destruction.

Learn from past mistakes, certainly, but don’t bank on the next trade as a panacea for all previous losses.

Follow your heart –

Your heart pumps.
Your brain thinks.

Stop relying on emotions and gut feelings in a robotic, cold and ruthless market.

Emotions can amplify the impact of market volatility.

Emotions can make you overreact to market swings.

Emotions can make you stick with losing trades for too long.

Emotions can cut your profits far too soon.

And you can blame evolution.

Instinct often plays a role in decision-making. And you need to remember that…

Successful trading absolutely needs a systematic, disciplined approach based on logic and solid analysis.

Everything happens for a reason – the financial equivalent of seeing faces in clouds.

OK this might comfort you in some esoteric aspects of your life.

But you need to get rid of this notion with the markets.

The financial market is complex and influenced by numerous variables (that have nothing to do with you).

Get off your high horse and believe everything revolves around you!

Not every price movement has a logical or predictable reason behind it.

Instead, you should focus on understanding broader market trends, develop solid trading strategies, and manage your risk effectively.

With logic, with discipline, with mathematics, with statistics – NOT WITH ESOTERIC REASONS!

Work harder and you’ll win more –

because nothing says ‘smart trading’ like turning a strategic marathon into a frenzied sprint.

While hard work is essential with business and with most areas of your life.

Trading is a game where quality trumps quantity.

The ‘work harder and you’ll win more’ advice often leads traders to overtrade, mistakenly believing that a higher frequency of trades equates to higher returns.

In trading, it’s more important to work smarter, not harder.

In trading it’s more important to think quality, not quantity.

In trading it’s more important to think high probability than any probability.

It’s about making well-informed trades, not just more trades.

So let’s sum up the stupid trading advice points you need to watch out for.

Go big or go home – a fool’s motto for financial Russian roulette.

The next trade will be better – as reliable as a fortune cookie’s prophecy.

Follow your heart –

Everything happens for a reason – the financial equivalent of seeing faces in clouds.

Work harder and you’ll win more – because nothing says ‘smart trading’ like turning a strategic marathon into a frenzied sprint.

If you can think of any more, let me know in the comments.
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Trade Well,
Timon Rossolimos
Founder, MATI Trader
(Pro trader since 2003)
