JUNO has underperformed the market consistently since it's launch. It is full of unregistered securities and scams. I have myself been affected by the trainwreck that is JUNO every time I have interacted with it since February 2022, It is marked and designed to drain your money. JUNO is exactly what the SEC is right about..... The WYND token is just the RAW token scam recycled (Some of the same devs from JunoSwap/RAW are with WYND), they are gonna get everyone twice lol...with all this symbolism...I think it would be suiting for "market" to sacrifice JUNO for the greater good. Get out before it's too late! This time they got people to bond as long as 42 days lol........ WYND is crashing just like RAW...lol fool me once.....fool me twice....