
$kavl - accumulation occurring around a buck after OTCQB uplist

Quarter ends July 31 and earnings by mid-August. With the successful uplisting and the addition of 6 distributors (from 2 to 8) we should see revenue numbers conservatively speaking around 50M USD which doubles the previous quarter. A more realistic target is likely $100 - 200M USD. Being over the dollar mark brings in a new set of buyers as well.

Strong accumulation into the weekend... Close @ $1.06 w/ rumors of international distrobution channels opening up in New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom.
Continued accumulation and the volume is drying up as sellers appear to have strong hands. 2 more trading days in this quarter - expect earnings release mid-august. potential for a break out prior to earnings over the next 10 days.
Trade closed: target reached
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