L Brands (LB) Long Term or Swing Trade Buy Opportunity

LB is at CUE Pendulum Low - that is, a Low enough price to take a Buy Position for Long Term Investing.

It is near Low point - meaning its Stop Loss is narrow.

Potential profit is much higher.

Both Weekly Backdrop and Daily Hop On charts using CUE Templates are showing Bullish signs after dropping a lot in previous months.

Also, Apparel Industry, to which LB belongs, improved in its rank in the previous week.

All these points to a valid Long Term Buy Position potential in a strengthening Industry while also allowing for narrow Stop Loss.

It could also be taken as a Swing Trade Long Position.
Trade closed: target reached
Today, on 20th Apr, LB has reached 3.75% profit within one day using Stocks.

This is significant profit for Swing Trading.

One might close the position, at least partially.

And hold remaining position, if any, with CUE Protection Level Trailing Stop in a way that the entire trade is Risk-Free from now onward.

