
Retailers are now selling lumber to suppliers

By MrRenev
I've heard this from a social media, from someone involved in this business.

When I checked lumber futures with the only brokers that grants me access, the min order is 0.5 lots (62.5K), the risk would be at least €5000, and I also saw a 40,000 wick yesterday, and a 10k wick the week before that.
So it's just not going to happen. I'm way too poor.

Other goods are going up even grains, I'm trying to hop on board, I've been trying since August 2020 getting stopped or missing it, I'll get my chance.

Millions of migrants are entering the USA. We know that "no one should tell their kids they have to sleep outside", so what will demagogues do to house these millions?
Print money? And when that fails because the supply is not here, blame greed and print more? Until there is so much "money" the migrants can make beds with bank notes?

A bloomberg article about lumber going back the supply chain:

Boy I hope they hedged their risk using CME futures.
Just kidding they probably did not. Rekt.




Step by step:

US demagogues developped a cult to Rudolf Havenstein & Karl Marx for years building up to 2020, the few saying this were called permabears & conspiracy nuts.

The US government started considering very soon following the example of Rudolf Havenstein in March, even before.

Mid-March: The MZM starts rallying.

27 March 2020: A law to spend trillions is signed (who would have thought?).

April 2020: By the end of the month already most of the money printing has been done, and it starts getting distributed. No big visible impact on prices yet, BUT they did bottom which may show well informed speculators took long positions, predicting they would go up up up up.
Well no, we can look at the COT, for steel large speculators are shorting since the bottom, and for Corn:
Closed shorts June-August then long from September on (still around the bottom)
January 2021 longs topped no change
Small speculators are short whole time

Lumber it's rather flat... Soybean large speculators went long but started closing at the previous high "resistance" of 1000 (price is at 1500 now).
Copper speculators went long following the trend and started closing at their target resistance of 3.5 (price at 4.5 almost now).
Am I the only one seing how transparent they are? And how as a group there is no brain, no one saw the price rises coming, no one is expecting hyperinflation now.
Or maybe not "hyper inflation" it won't be that bad... although all hopes in humans is lost so yes, Weimar hyperinflation and everyone will act like it's the most normal thing in the world.

So much for "the big funds that know everything". I don't get it. 1 billion tons of notes get printed, production declined, spending increases, no one expects prices to go up? The "big boys" simply followed the trend once it was obvious and closed their longs at some made up "resistance". If they knew everything they'd all be trillionaires... Just typical nonsense sold by daytrading course educators that missed their calling as a demagogue.
I didn't ride any of these trends myself but I don't have much money & I do not have access to all the tools they have.

And well what can I say that's it. I am not trying to be insulting but when very silly people like Paul Krugman 🤡 when nothing happens in the following 5 minutes go "aha! nothing bad happened" it's beyond ridiculous.
First the FED prints monopoly money, then the government takes those magic beans, distrubutes some to corporates & citizen & itself, it goes through the bureaucracy so already it took a month or 2, then they keep slowly distributing it over the month, and a couple of months after the FED printed the magic beans it starts being spent, as it gets spent over more months, the prices go up, the prices REACT they do not magically go up before.

The price of everything bottomed when the FED printed money, and then the giant green candles appeared months later.

They continue to print money at a slower rate but still high, even if the initial March-April 2020 printing is already in the commodity prices what is being printed every month is not.
And the USA have plans to spend even more, maybe they double down and spend tens of trillions who knows. But even if they don't...

After the "commodity prices going up" (and staying up) step, meaning the industrial costs go up, the industrial prices will go up (already has for example car makers made announcements because of superconductor prices increases), and finally the retail prices go up (in some cases already did - lumber planks, with a short chain).

Mainstreet is still celebrating their free money, and to us the price increases is already something of the past, that happened long ago, mainstreet will be aware of it in months, maybe even years, it will feel like a lifetime ago to us, but to them it will be breaking news...

No one has superman powers, they're dumb powers anyway, but it's possible to have another type of superpower.
What can possibly beat knowing things before everyone else knows? Being always 2 steps ahead?

hyperinflationprintingTrend AnalysisValue
