Exit pump ahead

From a technical standpoint we are in a uptrend. Lisk was the only crypto in my list of coins that I picked up early January that made me smile a bit by recently turning into a small plus while all other coins stayed depressed way under water. As I know that there is the rebranding coming on February 20 and I will make sure to visit that event in Berlin, please leave questions in the comments under this analysis that I can ask the founders during or after the presentation. I will also spend some time to get into the details of the platform and usage scenarios as I was quite lazy lately.

The uptick in price catched my attention, but we often see this upfront of big events in every coin. Rebrandings have been very successful in the case of NEO and VEN. So people react to that, but right after these events are nowadays usually dumped. Sell the news! The current upswing in price come with almost no volume. This means there is no incentive for holders to sell it now, but the supply side can change at any moment.

We can see this using the OBV indicator that should go up with rising prices to show a healthy trend that involves wales that are accumulating. Once they stop the curve gets flat. This is my favorite indicator for evaluating cryptos right now. The OBV reveals that wales were buying at the relative bottom in December and hold on to their coins while letting others drive the price up in anticipation of the upcoming event.

What else does the chart tell us? Heavy divergences in the momentum oscillators. My short term custom MomKijun indicator as well as the 3/10 MACD both show lower highs on higher highs in the price for the recent upswing. This usually means that there is a pullback immanent. That said, this signal might fail in the current market situation where the price seems to be driven up by a lack of supply which can go on up to the event in 12 days.

From the technical perspective I would advise you to sell the news and buy back later on a dip if you are in for the tech that I can't comment on as of now. Currently Lisk seems to be inflated.
Beyond Technical AnalysisTechnical Indicators
