$50 here we come again!

By davidhaiyangzou
1. Hour chart retracement to $39-41 range short term ($40 is 0.5 level with tolerance of +/-1)
2. Reach $45 range quickly and may not even retrace here
3. Reach $50 range and expect to retrace to 0.5 lever from there
Strategy here is:
1. Buy dip at $40, anywhere between 39-40 price would be good
2. Buy breakout at $43-44 if it is big green candle
3. Watch for $45 potential retracement
4. If breaks $45 then set sell target $49-50

This is my first time working on a very short term plan based on hourly chart, let's see how it works
By the way daily, weekly, trend line, GMMA, all pointing up and we are potentially onto something that may shine long term.

Be caution when get in at 39-41 range, as 50MA is acting as support level effectively, must hold above this to be valid up trend.
buyer is strong and retracement is not quite set yet. still waiting
Trend Analysis
