Here you see LTC's cyclical behaviour of around 270-280 days. This cycle can be viewed in terms of the Zodiac (360/90=4). 270/90=3, 270+90=360, to which also belongs the moon, which has 13 cycles of 27 days to orbit earth and aproxamitely 28-29.5 days to shift phase. 13x28=364.
An observation of this cycle would conclude September as a month of possible reversal. I personally expect it to pan out a little like last time, a rapid crash or capitulation and an even faster and more volatile recovery. There's about 30 days left till September 9th which is exactly 280 days from the last Major low.
Orange= Bear Market Low
Purple = Bull Market High (with extended and possibly higher high tops in the following 60-70 days.)
you can also check to see that from the first orange vertical line in the bottom of the screen there's a 360 day cycle from Major low to Major top of 360 days, confirming the assumed cycles at play. If this Trend continues LTC (and likely the whole market) will be out of a bear market possibly as early as September the 9th.