Double Top

Hello! I ask you to immediately take into account, this is only my opinion, you make your own decisions! In this chart, we see not only a global uptrend but also a strong local impulse jump up, which ended with the formation of two symmetrical peaks (at the moment), which we can identify as a figure - the Double Top . We also see a dying volume of trades during the formation of the figure. We expect that the breakdown of the bottom of the top of the summit and, as a confirmation, a sharp increase in the volume of trades is possible, and as a result, the price will go down to the development of this figure. Confirmation can be a breakdown of the level of the base of the vertex, then a subsequent level retest and then a subsequent downtrend.
Perhaps I have good news!
Breakdown has not yet been confirmed!
But the most interesting is that on the 4-hour chart we see a divergence, we can not say with 100% certainty whether the correction will be how deep it will be and whether it will lead to a reversal. Divergence is just a signal. Yes, high-quality, yes, with a high probability of a positive outcome. But this is just one of the signals of technical analysis .
Let's hope for a change of trend.
Double Top or Bottom

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