M1 - Velocity continues deteriorating

By HK_L61
As BR & VG maintain a healthy prop under the Equities Complex....

Real activity outside of the "Markets" is grinding to a decided halt.

Uncertainty has gained a foothold and it is not going to reverse in
the near future.

The spectacle in chasing Price, big greens bars... is merely a trade.

It is not an investment, those days are long gone as the Fundamentals
of our Economy have collapsed.

The prop can buy time, but that is limited as well as Risk Factors only
continue to compound.

They are everywhere and well ignored by speculators and gamblers

Behaviors are symptomatic of far greater ills within our Culture, which
had devolved to into a myriad of untoward circumstances.

Patterns repeat.

We are witnessing the transfer of wealth on a scale unseen in Human
History. It is truly disturbing.

The panic Sell can only be prolonged for a finite time.

When Price cuts loose to the downside, most will Hold as the indoctrination
of FED Policy and BTD is what plays.

Until it does not.
ESFundamental AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsM1moneyvelocityNQrtyTrend Analysisym
