The myth of hyperinflation series #5- Velocity of money

By Libratus
Even if the purchasing power is rising, without the increase of velocity of money, there will be no inflation and sustained economic growth.

Circulation/velocity of money measures the interval between money transactions, decline means less transaction is taking place and the interval between money transactions is getting longer.

According to the July 2020 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, senior loan officers have tightened their standards and terms on commercial and industrial (C&I) loans to firms of all sizes. Furthermore, banks reported weaker demand for C&I (commercial & real estate) loans from firms of all sizes and weaker demand across all three major commercial real estate (CRE) loan categories- construction and land development loans, nonfarm/nonresidential loans, and multifamily loan over the second quarter of 2020.

Next, we will look at demand and consumption.
Beyond Technical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisM1m1multiplierM2M2VmonetarybasemoneysupplyMZMprimerateTrend Analysisvelocityofmoney

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