MARA fell on a huge earnings beat LONG

By AwesomeAvani
MARA fell a few days ago while Bitcoin is staging another leg higher along with other coins.

On the 30-minute chart, MARA is in undervalued territory below the mean-anchored VWAP

and near to the bottom of the high volume area on the volume profile but above the POC line.

This seems to be an obvious long trade for me to take. I will set a stop loss of $1.00 below

market price and a target of $31 halfway between the mean VWAP and the first upper VWAP

the line above it. A call option trade striking $30.00 expiring in three months will be

considered. MARA fell from excellent earnings which apparently disappointed some

traders /investors. The discount sale is hard to resist given the current fundamentals in the

crypto markets.
Trade active
MARA fell today. The dip allowed for an add to the position.
Trade active
Same as yesterday. Averaging down in a true C. Woods of ARKK maneuver.
Trade active
I will now close the long position and watch for a short entry. MARA about to roll over on the 5 minute chart. snapshot
Trade active
Long position taken. Price rose 10% over support has 30% upside to resistance snapshot
bitfBTBTcryptomarketscryptorelatedstockearningsplayGrowthMARAMoving AveragesRIOTValue
