[Watch] MARA versus Bitcoin 5️⃣2️⃣| How high can MARA pull...?

Year-to-date: ⤴️156,70%
What's going on, Team MARA

Yes, yesterday, the SEC went after Binance, and as usual, it created a new buy opportunity.
You can see how hard they work to kill BTCUSD to introduce their ideas.

Sellers seem exhausted, and they come and go...
Today I am sharing Tradingview's Autopattern available for premium members.
I make zero money from this; still, please consider becoming a premium member and using it as a new tool for trading and investing decisions.

This is my Demand Zone 7,98$ to 7,66$ per share.
Those levels are the weekly candle's Open and Low Prices on April 10, 2023.
What does this mean to you? It means I am a buyer at those levels IF, which is a big IF price move lower.

Let's congratulate the new Pine Wizards Tradingview in 2023.
They have many great tools to enhance your trading and maximize every opportunity.

Let me share the link with you:

Until my next video...
Above All and All-in-All, God Bless America...!
J.R. Jaén

Risk Disclaimer:
1️⃣Past Performance is not indicative of any future performance.
2️⃣Trading and Investing are risky. Only trade and invest with resources and capital; you can afford to lose, and it will not change your lifestyle or family situation if you do not make the returns you wanted or if things go wrong and you lose everything.
3️⃣I can and will have a position in MARA anytime because I like the stock and company.
4️⃣Never go All-In. You do not have to buy with your rent money; you do not have to believe with all your savings because NO one is asking you to do so. This video is a video log, a journal, and a path to share with others how they can gain exposure to Bitcoin without the need to in NASDAQ:MARA o invest 20,000 dollars immediately.
Beyond Technical AnalysisbitcoinlongcryptominercryptominingMARAmarathondigitalSupply and DemandTrend Analysis

¡Viva América!
Home of the Brave | Land of the Free
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