The Week Ahead: MJ, SRNE, INO, NKLA, XOP, ICLN, IWM Premium

By NaughtyPines
Looking for the juice? Here's where it's at ... .

Options Highly Liquid Single Name >10/Share With Earnings in the Rear View, Sorted By 30-Day with a >50% Cut-Off:

CRON (43/236) (Cannabis)
AMC (21/218) (Theatres)
TLRY (40/185) (Cannabis)
SRNE (5/165) (Biotech)
INO (4/145) (Biotech)
ACB (11/127) (Cannabis)
NKLA (12/125) (EV)
CGC (23/99) (Cannabis)
NCLH (4/99) (Cruise Lines)
NIO (34/97) (ADR; EV)

M (5/80) (Retail)
IQ (13/75) (ADR; Internet)
RCL (2/72) (Cruise Lines)
DKNG (5/69) (Online Gambling)
CLDR (6/64) (Software)
JD (28/61) (ADR; Internet Retail)
DDOG (19/61) (Software)
GPS (10/54) (Apparel)
AEO (1/52) (Apparel)

Options Highly Liquid Exchange-Traded Funds, Sorted By 30-Day, With a >35% Cut-Off:

MJ (47/80) (Cannabis)
XOP (6/57) (Oil and Gas)
ICLN (10/54) (Clean Energy)
LIT (40/52) (Battery Tech)
JETS (1/46) (Airlines)

EWU (3/46) (United Kingdom)
XBI (20/44) (Biotech)
EWZ (3/43) (Brazil)
XLE (6/41) (Energy)
GDX (3/39) (Gold Miners)

KRE (6/38) (Regional Banks)
SLV (8/38) (Silver)
XLK (7/36) (Technology)

Broad Market, Sorted by 30-Day:

IWM (7/31)
QQQ (10/31)
SPY (3/20)
DIA (0/20)
EFA (2/15)

The Pictured Trade:

Depicted here is an MJ July 16th (124 DTE) 17 short put, which was paying 1.11 at the mid price as of Friday close, 6.99% ROC at max as a function of notional risk (20.6% annualized). This is quite a bit more long-dated than I like to go generally, so I'll probably wait for a May monthly to open up (probably next week after the March monthly drops off) before considering doing anything. Similarly, neither ICLN, LIT, nor JETS have May monthlies yet and April will have a gotten a bit short in duration (currently 33 DTE) for those like me who prefer to work with a 45 day or less wheel house.

Beyond Technical AnalysisICLNINOmjnklaoptionsstrategiespremiumsellingSRNEXOP
