
USA - Bearish Outlook - Part 3

By SkylinePro
This is the last of a 3-part US Outlook Analysis. The current post shows different mood indicators and all of them indicate the mood as negative. Top left is the Price/Sales Ratio of SP500 in a decreasing path that should trend to the most probable target at around 1.70. Bottom left is the Market Cap as a % of GDP and which is decreasing since 2018. Middle top is the consumer confidence index which is trending down and decreased already more than 30% since 2018. Middle bottom shows the volume of equity fund assets in relation to money market funds. The last value of this series is for the third quarter of 2019 and at that time this indicator level was the same as July 2008. Bottom right is DJI prices measured in Gold and it shows a long and short-term divergence with the index value. FOLLOW SKYLINEPRO TO GET UPDATES.
Beyond Technical AnalysisDJIeconomyindexIndicesmoodsentimentSentiment StudiesS&P 500 (SPX500)Trend AnalysisUSAWave Analysis
