Nasdaq100 what now episode 15

"This week, the trading plan still remains the same. Little tweak though. Firstly, know the over-all direction. For this one—my best bet is downwards. honestly, the weekly looks more confused as ever. There’s a possibility that we might get a higher-low but until that’s established, I’ll be taking my sells. Secondly, Marking major HHs/HLs and LHs/LLs. Looking to see rejections on the daily to give me a signal as to what these bears are really doing. Then for the time-frame task, The weekly and daily: directions, The hour 4: rejections, the 15 minutes: entries. Then I wait for them confirmations and execute! Hope that goes well? "..

My Trading plan for last week. Did that go well? Yes sir! Listen—I feel like all my year and the half of trading Nasdaq100 “professionally” last week has been my best so far. There’s one thing I realized though, That is: Follow your plan. Look, you got a plan? follow that guy. Don’t change nun ‘in.. Just—follow! I noticed how much that sky-rocketed my performance. Honestly, Nasdaq100 this week, we might all just be going for a funeral. “Why?” You’re probably wondering, Well, did you see how it ended. The lady dropped like 3% from last week. Close to 2,ooo points or more. The Nasdaq100 is currently at 13319 (as I write this) and I don’t even think we’re done. You know that Inverse head and shoulder that showed up? Destroyed! The weekly time-frame presently is currently looking to get past the previous Lower-low at (13319) The next level—13,000 isn’t far-fetched. The daily 0% fib level at 13079: isn’t as well. The bears are really wilding. The CBOE NASDAQ100 VOLATILITY INDEX is real bullish now! Dude is almost at 37 points. Imagine going to 40, where do you think the Nasdaq will be?

Look at this picture, tell me what you see: for me, A broken possible bullish structure. A double top with new lower-highs and a possible continuation to create a new lower-low. Screaming “BEARS”!!!.. Monday was all chill, I mean there wasn’t any news. Funny how we got a pin-bar on Monday on the daily time-frame. The bulls came in for a bit. No news release; No crazy movement. However, this all went left on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022. By 13:30, we got the Building Permits which turned out positive with a 1.873M reading. That brought the bulls in. We all thought: “Finally the bulls are back”. Uh! too soon. Wednesday, 20th April, 2022 appeared mixed after a negative Existing home sales with a 5.77M reading and a positive Crude oil inventories by 15:30 with a -8.02M reading. The daily left a rejection candle after that. Coincidence—Uh! maybe not. Furthermore the dreadful Thursday. I called it that because you seriously need to see it’s reaction. The bullish tables flipped. Them legs got broken, shattered into a million pieces. Even started getting termite holes and stuff. The bears came in growling after the negative Initial Jobless claims with a 184K reading by 13:30 as if that wasn’t enough, the Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index also turned out negative with a 17.6 reading. Less than 3-hours after came the Fed news. Twice! Look the market bled. Never seen in years. The Nasdaq100 screamed but I don’t even think any-one cared to listen. Shii! we all were trying to make some buck. On Friday, That was just a continuation. The bears continued and now looking to create another lower-low. What’s my plan? Same old. Weekly and Daily: Directions. I mean since we’re really bearish now, I might as well keeping looking for sells. As long as, we don’t pass the previous Lower-high at: 13700 (4-hour lower-high) I’m selling. So, I’ll be looking for new highs on the 4-hour. Then, I’ll be going to the 15 to look for entries. Let’s see how that goes. Don’t miss my streams though!

Nasdaq100 High Impact News For 25th-29th Of April, 2022
You’re probably wondering, “what should we expect?” Don’t worry—I’ll tell you. This week, as usual, The Monday is free from demons. Tuesday however, This is where all the madness starts. The 26th April, 2022 by 13:30, We’ve got the Core Durable Goods Order. This measure the change in the total value of new orders for long lasting manufactured goods, excluding transportation items. A higher reading indicates increased manufacturing which is bullish for the USD. Also same day; different time. By 15:00, we’ve got the New Home Sales. This measure the annualized number of new single family homes that were sold during the previous month. P.S: This particular repot tend to have more impact when it’s released ahead of existing home sales because the reports are tightly co-related. However, a higher reading is bullish for the USD. Same time, doesn’t end. Y’all be mindful of Tuesday then. We’ve got the CB Consumer’s Confidence. It measures the level of consumer’s confidence in economic activity. A higher reading=Higher consumer’s optimism which is also bullish for the USD.

Wednesday April 27th, 2022. By 15:00, The Pending Home Sales. It measure the change in the number of homes under contract to be sold but still awaiting the closing transaction, excluding new constructions. A higher than expected is bullish for the USD. Same day; different time. By 15:30, Crude Oil Inventories.😒(again?) Anyway this guy, we all know what he does. A higher reading is weak for the USD. Therefore, bearish. The level of inventories influences the price of petroleum products, which can have an impact on inflation. Finally, Dreadful Thursday. The 28th of April, 2022 by 13:30, we’ve got Initial Jobless Claims 🤦‍♀️(Y’all already know, I’ll just repeat) This measure the number of individuals who filed for unemployment insurance for the first time during the past-week. A higher reading than expected is bearish for the USD. Same time, The GDP—The gross domestic product, measure the annualized change on inflation-adjusted value of all goods and services produced by the economy. Listen, it is—this is the primary indicator of the economy’ health. If the actual is greater than the forecast, it will be Bullish for the USD. Be sure to read all, stay safe, and make that buck.
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