The chart notes state most of the trading approach, so please have a look. I will be posting charts for the SPY and NDX, going forward, for identifying smaller time-frame trends within the new bearish trend. Welcome to the new recession!
What's most interesting is the extreme suppression of precious metals prices over the last few years. Since the banks set the daily spot prices for both gold and silver, why are they suppressing the price? It's not necessary to prop up the US dollar since the US (under Nixon) has a 1972 agreement in place with OPEC, particularly Saudi Arabia, which requires all 162 privately-owned corporate central banks worldwide to purchase crude oil using only US dollars. This is why the US dollar deficit does not matter -- the US dollar has supreme stability no matter what happens worldwide. This petrodollar agreement was reached since the US dollar was no longer supported by gold, under Nixon.
Central banks have been reducing their US dollar reserves for many years since 1972. The typical reserve level was 60% and that dwindled to around 30% a few years ago and is lower today. The end-goal, if you have been following World Bank planning documents, is to create a new world reserve currency that is backed by carbon credits (CO2). This will permanently replace oil and any possibility of gold backing of the US dollar. Precious metals price suppression likely exists to prevent competition from the new planned currency model, which will be driven the new tech that blockchain represents. As I write this, several central banks are already building their own blockchains and currencies, with expected delivery dates starting in the next couple of years. Don't expect existing crypto currencies to be favored once the central banks release their coins to the public.
This new recession may very well be the one that serves the purpose of moving over to the new carbon-based currency system. Have a look at CLIMATECOIN.IO (the crypto currency) for an early taste of what is to come, as this crypto currency is backed by the United Nations, and the two financial arms of the UN are the IMF and the World Bank. If you or someone you know is involved in "sustainability" or the green movement, this is the social aspect of this plan, which aims to prepare the masses psychologically so that they are okay with a carbon-based currency model. This movement is extremely well-funded by central banking families and the details of this plan are documented in the United Nations Agenda 21 planning documents, including local-level documents (check your local city hall for a sustainability plan that is already in place).
Take a look at my earlier posts to see additional details. Given that the Chinese central bank (a communist country) has been the main purchaser of US equities since 2009, and that the United Nations goals are for global communitarianism (a cross between communism and capitalism; soft communism, which is communism via sophisticated propaganda rather than relying so much on force), you will want to figure out how to protect your wealth from the ultimate money grab for wealth redistribution purposes. Note that CLIMATECOIN.IO is not (yet) for sale to Americans... I asked the creators about this, and was given no answer.
Make money, but also be prepared to protect it.