Ready for the great reset of wealth?

By MrRenev
Here is the distribution of the 50 largest public companies:
USA 34/50
CHN  7/50
EUR  5/50
OTH  4/50

This seems normal? The percentage of american companies at the top is close to what the percentage of japanese companies at the top was in the 1980s.
Random people, which are mindless NPCS, somehow acting like it's normal. And they will act like hyperinflation is normal when it happens.

The way I see it there are 2 directions we are heading:
Stock crash and great depression. The best outcome.
High inflation and wealth + debt great reset. The socialized loss outcome they won't recover from in the 21st century. Seing spending this is where the US is going.

Hyperinflation à la Zimbabwe would be obvious and have negative consequences for the crooks running the show.
No, as always it will be a boiling frog method, with lots and lots of arguing coming from the crooks responsible and their supporters.
And besides if inflation gets too bad, all business are not even able to operate, they are completely frozen.
I can already predict their arguments "Back in the 70s-80s inflation was at 15% and we did great", "inflation is the result of effective policies creating growth" (while the tangible real world amounts of goods being produced is down down down), "we need to save the planet and help out student debt", "it's because of political opponents fighting us via money" (it's a conspiraceeeeeh!).


I recently read a bit about Romania inflation in the 90s. Lasted 7 years, and the government cleared its debt (but not always the debt of the plebe), and created a great reset. The money masters did just fine, and a few people even got rich. 99% of the population did not do just fine.
The entire east europe was depressed, russians are famous for being alcoholism masters.
Romanian inflation peaked at "only" 255% and the public got used to it, it was advertised as normal.

People that worked their entire lives and had some savings lost everything. Via inflation their wealth was transferred to the government, with most of it simply evaporating because unlike what USA millennials think this is not a zero sum game (pie). As if today wealth is the same as the paleolithic wealth and all it did was move around. They say wealth does not simply get created out of thin air, that's funny to me because a lot of it does, thin air contains humidity, CO2, warmth, and that's all it takes for much of agri wealth. We do not come from the earth, we come from thin air as we are carbon based lifeforms not silice based.


Inflation in Romania started as early as the beginning of the 1980s, from the socialist government (yes, again) robbing the population to pay back its debt as it had strings attached, following the 1979 Oil crisis. The collapse of the USSR it led to did not save them, and it continued and got worse in the 90s.
To avoid starving to death, Romanians, which were mostly rural, grew food in their garden and helped each other. They knew each other, did not move much, had no migrants. To compare this to others, Venezuela has 85% urbans, and the USA 80%. Europe is in the 80s too.

Also I want to note that business owners cannot magically raise wages before prices go up because they might not have the cash AND they cannot predict the future.
People with savings and people with jobs will lose. Broke people reliant on welfare lose too (compared to where they used to be not what they produce which is zero).
People with debt might win, probably lose too as the government cares about its spending and its debt, not yours.
Filthy rich people win, Singapore is only 1 plane ticket and 1 clic away. They always seem to win don't they?

There are 4 plans to a group of people:

In Europe and the USA people move around - especially in the USA - and they don't know each other.
In Europe and the USA there are many migrants, sometimes they don't even speak the language. The countries are very heterogeneous.
In Europe and the USA 80% or more of the population is urban, and clueless on how to grow food, and very much NOT resourceful. Helpless.
The USA are even running a "divide to conquer" strategy, with camps hating each other. They won't help each other or fight back inflation.

The plan B seems very hard to execute. And plan C? Europe and the US are the ones sending food to Africa.
Who will send help to them? Argentina? Haha! (Argentina is one of the largest grain exporter that's why, still... they're not THAT big).

Smells like a plan D.

As I said I doubt they will run the inflation to 4 digits and more. But 50% is ahead of us. Slowly boil these frogs.
Food can still somehow be grown and bought in these conditions. Might see a drop in production, but EU & NA overproduce.
Plus the greens want to grow more bio food, and reduce meat production (that turns hay we cannot eat into juicy steaks and chicken legs).
The west food production might drop a bit but as we overproduce it, the ones starving are african kids getting humanitarian aid not europeans.
Ghana president (and others) have reduced their dependency on welfare to focus on developing their economy (tier 1 prod + tier 2 valued adding industries), he said he didn't believe in santa claus, maybe he reads my ideas?
African countries choice to distance from aid might have a bonus: not starving to death when EU & NA can't send food there.

Now unpaid for made in China smartphones, computers, tvs and consoles? Forget about it! Enjoy going back to board games.
Less CO2 emissions. Greta is going to be happy. I miss the good old days of board games. People that understand percentages and ROI win all monopoly games. Less stupid TV nonsense, less social media crap, more thinking games equals hard times creates less dumb men.
EU & NA does not just import TVS and computers, there's also drugs... Well old people might have to leave us a bit earlier than expected.

In any case, the west will go back to simpler times, they will have to get used to a lower standard of living and that's a good thing!
I look forward to less electronics and more outdoor activities and board games. And less clown twitter imaginary world cancel warriors!
economyhighspendingTrend AnalysisunitedstatesUSAValue
