By ROBO_10
NIFTY Opened made open high and came under selling pressure iniatial 15 min

then a sudden short recovery came and couldnt break the first 15 min closing price

after 1 hr it clear its high price and and market tends to move up but facing multiple resisitance

it did gave bo at a point but the resisitance came uprontly and given small profit

buyer tends to take big proft from last couple of days so buyers coulnt get one single big move

even the volatility in the confirmation candle so high so that the buyers faced difficult to execute

looking from past week price action buyers expectation for a big profit may not fulfilled and seller opt their way

1st hr high broken upside and facing multiple resistance + 15 min first candle close price not breaked was itself a srangebound scenario didnt give a well expected move

so this is just a analysis for nifty througout day based on price action views personal

Trend Analysis
