What is position Trading ?

By dsp21486
What Is Position Trading?
Position trading is a strategy where traders and investors aspire to capitalise on strong pricing trends through entering and remaining present in a market for an extensive term. A position trade is a commitment of both time and money, with the intention of realising a sizable gain from the sustained growth of an open position's value.

📊 Advantages Of Position Trading 📊
The advantages of position trading include the following:

🔵 The negative factors have a minimum degree of influence – if a trader buys, for example, on the weekly chart, he won’t be shocked about the daily price fluctuations. The position trader feels less stressed compared to the day trader.

🔵 The ability to “squeeze out” the maximum of a trend – position traders do not have to regularly open and close positions, thereby losing on spreads.

🔵 High profits – position trading allows you to trade with high leverage, as the probability of a mistake is much smaller than in conventional trading.
Disadvantages Of Position Trading

The disadvantages of position trading include the following:

🔵 The need for a high deposit – Position trading with the minimum amount of funds is simply irrelevant. It is likely that the strong price fluctuations will lose everything.

🔵 Swap – The swap is a commission paid to the broker for the transfer of the trade to the next day. If the position is open for a long period, the swaps can accumulate a large amount.

🔵 Risk – The risk is much lower when compared to day-trading or swing trading, but if a mistake is made, it will likely be fatal. If a trader goes against the trend, he will lose not only his deposit, but also the time in which he could generate a profit – don’t forget, we are speaking about months.

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