NIKOLA in MEGA Bull Flag! Steroid injection Coming?

By Harley_Drake
For those who havent taken profits from Nikola's awesome earnings day, Nikola might be in a mega bull flag on the daily. Since June, Nikola has been slowly sinking downward and has hit close to the bottom. Today is the first day Nikola has risen outside my wedge formation and it looks like it needs ONE more down turn before it springs up like a mad man.

Up above Nikola still needs to gap fill by at least around 48 dollars where likely I will take profts but leave some in to hold to see if it will explode higher up to 78 dollars where another gap is at. But don't count on that necessarily. It might take months to climb to that area. Either way, Nikola is only a few days to a week away from spring loading one last time. So if you still have your Nikola from the bottom, awesome! If not, you may get one more chance to scoop some when it bottoms out before a possible huge shot up.
bullflagsnikolanklaTrend Analysis
