
The price has been moving in a descending triangle since July 2022
It was based on a strong support area at 0.0860.
Moving Average 100 was also reviewed.
We are about to break the downtrend of the triangle, and therefore we expect the price to rise to the specified areas.
The current price is 0.1015.
First goal 0.1869
Second goal 0.3019
This represents 300% of the current price.
Pay attention to correction areas.
Trade active
Trade active
Trade active
Trade active
Trade closed: target reached
close at 0.1300
Technical IndicatorsNKNnknbitcoinNKNBTCnknbtclongnknlongnknusdNKNUSDTnknusdtanalysisnknusdtlongTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
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