This handcrafted idea using Advanced Fibonacci Tools beholds 6 of the largest War Mongering "Defence" contractors.

( Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, L3 Harris Tech )

These Fibonacci Schematics show all price manipulation of Support and Resistance. I've started the timeline at 1999 for many reasons. One being the already conceived and "soon to be" conflicts of the Middle East with the "war of terror." (Give me a break)

2001 kickstarted another HUGE flow of stimulus into these defence contractors to fund the West's newest war to keep people "proud to be an American". Solely by continuing the collective punishment of millions of people in the Middle East region. This had already been going on for about 2 decades at least before 9/11.

The American Government killed hundreds of thousands to millions of Iraqis and Afghanistan people through this collective punishment. They needed a way to continue their genocidal intent and ethnic cleansing with a false flag terror attack to get the American People back on their side. 9/11 brought out the worst in our country and the "PatRioTiC" US citizens green lit their leaders to dish out more collective punishment even though their leaders had been lying though their teeth for countless years.... I need give only one example with "weapons of mass destruction"

Obviously this matters because these Defence Contractors have blood all over their hands that they are basically swimming in it.

Anyways, this is just a Macro Analysis. These lines represent death and destruction so investing in them is a moral dilemma which I obviously advice against.
aerospacebeoingChart PatternsdefencesectordefencestockgeneraldynamicslockheedmartinnorthrupgrummanraytheonTrend AnalysisWARWave Analysis

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