NQ filled it's Gap during Globex.

Close for RTH @ 15611.

Prior to Asia opening Price moved up to a Front Run of the Intra-Day 50%
@ 15637.50 by 6 Ticks.

ES YM RTY sell bias at present 21:10:22 PM EST.

VIX, although dipping in 4 Ticks below 18.15 caught the Bid.

It's going to be a long night for traders until this breaks, probably near 03:30:00 AM EST.

It remains a hot mess of a market, desperate attempts were made today to keep the range
within 100 and they did.

BUT - watching 1,000 ES Contracts fly by on the SELL during the closing minutes... not healthy.

See if they can cross the 537.50 level this evening... 526s are now open for Business.

Chart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsmnqnasdaqNASDAQ 100 CFDNQTrend Analysis
