The unknown obvious: resolution vs timeframe

By gorx1
Chart resolution and chart timeframes are the synonyms, true, but the difference between resolution based mindset and timeframe based mindset is huge.

As it is in reality, pure charts are just tick charts that then get aggregated, mostly by time. So it's all the same data, just different amount in different detail.

If you operate manually you free to scroll through all the resolutions, generally from lower to higher to gain all the information you need in best possible way.
So you mindset is this, "I need more info ima be scrolling through resolutions and be gaining it".

The term "timeframe" is much more applicable for automated trading.
There, it's very complicated to use multiple resolutions at the same time for many reasons, instead it's easier to use multiple data ranges within one resolution.
For example, you run a bot (not robot) on 1 minute chart, this bot executes & fine tunes the signals based on very short window of 4 datapoints, generates the actual signals based on 16 datapoint window, chooses a signal generation method based on 64 last datapoints, and chooses between competing assets based window length 256.
Then you ran an ensemble of these bots on every 'timeframe', this way you can emulate but never achieve a proper manual operation.
And it's good to use common but different methods on each of data windows to reduce correlations inside the ensemble, not like it's shown on my chart (disregard the levels).

Beyond Technical Analysisbotsmanualmultimultipletimeframemulti-timeframeresolution
