The great tax dodging rally

By MrRenev
Pretty simple idea, the stock market already has a great supply/demand imbalance, in particular with all the new investors/gamblers joining (Jim Rogers in interviews said hairdressers and taxi drivers were giving him stock tips).

On top of that there is Biden that will:
- Enable big companies to get cheap workers
- Make things harder for small business which means less competition for the big ones (and the S&P500 and NQ100 are only made up of big .. well obviously...)
- Raise taxes ==> Wealthy individuals will "hide" their money in the stock market (and RE, making rents go up I'd go long REITS if I was into that) to avoid the higher taxes



My bet is that the price will be very 1-directional, so I'll buy some high leverage options (this means a tight stop) without waiting for a PB and regardless of the outcome I'll buy more leveraged options on a small 3% drop with a very tight SL just a couple hundred points maybe 100 only even.

And then I aim for over 20k with a wide trailing stop, we'll see how things work out, I'll close some or add some, maybe TP on a small PB and if it is bigger I buy more around what could be the bottom, we will see depends what Biden & friends do as well as the psychological state of the market, this is way more reliant on fundamentals & irrational herd thinking that what I am used too with Forex I hope I know what I am doing.
The price goes in 1 direction much much more strongly than the other one so I'm quite happy with this, too good an opportunity to not take it for me. Risk 100-200 points to make 9000 haha are you serious? I'll take that every day of the week, and I know I'll get out before the suckers if it goes my way, I might get out "too early" but I never hold bags.
Trade active
Let's go a little, I'll add a bit more over time, if I get a chance to pyramid this into a monster I sure will.

Trade closed: stop reached
It got to 2-3R for me but it crashed during the hour I went out so I got stopped (I imagine) :)


If the price makes some sort of ABC I'll buy again, 2 batches: 1 with a greedy tight stop and one with a wider one.

Ah wonderful. Winnie the Pooh barked at Biden about a confrontation.
And this is why the price dropped and I got stopped. Man....
Couldn't he wait a few days? Idiot.

BIDENFundamental AnalysisnasdaqNASDAQ 100 E-MINI FUTUREStech100Trend Analysisusstocks
