NQ - CPI / Yields + ES YM RTY - Structure Summary

Intra-Day setups remain our only trades as the VIX completes Settlement Tomorrow.

Puts are again becoming attractive as this weeks Gamma Squeeze is beginning to
become extended.

AAPL -150 CALLS * Apple claims they will be unaffected by Semi Shortages

TSLA - 750 Calls

AMC - 56 Calls


20 Weeks SemiConductor lead times.

Q3 EPS warings begin next week

VXN Pullback

ZN broke the Long we are watching the 133.125 Level

TLT weakening in structure sub 150

***12735 is the Longer Term Price Objective into November


ES YM RTY remain in a Micro Squeeze on VIX Settle and pullback potential to 19.20

ES - remains within its Series, Resisitance is holding for now, the Objective is a full 50%
retracement off the conter-trend long from lows.

ES PO - Larger Resistance 4492 - 4505

YM - 34993 -35035 Objective

RTY - Ranging between 2119 - 2335


CL - 7161 breaks and we have the potential to return to the Weekly FHWB @ 77.00

CPI will have a large effect upon CL

Previous highs acting as support... mean higher for now.


Food Prices rose 16% MOM... CPI Ex - Food/Energy

Energy Prices are up significantly MOM

Dollar / JPY is gaining strenght implies a clear flight to Safety and RISK OFF

109.83 sends it higher... far higher.

10Yr Yields remain just below a breakout at 1.417

Financials have failed at resitance repeatedly - 4521 the level of Micro Resistance


The FED removes theor gloves next week ahead of important elections. Namely It Canada intially
as Treadeau is the Chimp to watch for the Green Agenda in North America... it is extreme in its
importance for the Agenda.

Europes selections will be followed closely as well as LaGarde has teed up her Chimps to advance
the Agenda.

California has the Governors recall which appear to be failing quietly. Gavin is a piece of work, little
HItler disguised as a Sunbeam.


Geopolitics will have far more impact than has been priced in...
Crude API today, EIA Tomorrow.

NatGas has been on a tear - Energy Prices are
well advanced Month over Month.

Doubled off pre-Pandemic Level

Beef - 14.7% Month over Month

Chicken - 6.6% MOM

Electronics - 3.1 MOM / TV's 3.9% MOM

Health/Beauty 7.1% MOM

Arline Flights - 8.9% MOM

Internet Access - 4.7% MOM


Inventories... clearing in weeks....

Beef Producers are averaging a $100 - $200 loss per head while Packing Houses
are clearing $1800 per head.

The Big 4 in Ag, are wiping out Independent Producers of Beef, many Ranchers
are giving up, adding to the Supply Pressures and Prices.

Demand Pull / Supply Push

Rents continue to rise nationally


Standards of Living / Purchasing Power Parity in it's largest Decline in History
of the United States.

Defaltionary forces are NOWHERE.

Pork - 4.7 MOM
Pork it UP~!
Semi Conductor Lead times expanded to 22.5 Weeks
CLCPIESFundamental AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsNQrtyTrend Analysisym
