I completely missed this mornings ES/NQ long entry. I was so focused on ES taking out the daily sellside liquidity at 4072 that I never looked at the NQ chart, even though I had it on one of my screens. The secret to deciphering today’s NY AM price action was to watch NQ. Because NQ did decisively take out the daily liquidity from the three days ago low. This was the key! As soon as NQ took out the daily liquidity I needed to zoom in to the 5,3,2,1 minute timeframes and look for Market Structure Shifts with obvious displacement. On the 3-minute NQ chart a FVG was created shortly after the 9:30 AM EST open in line with a MSS. Then a few minutes later the FVG was filled for a bullish entry and then price exploded up after that.

Today's Takeaway

As soon as daily liquidity is taken out immediately zoom in to the 5,3,2,1 minute timeframes and look for Market Structure Shifts with obvious displacement. ALWAYS!


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