Spread triple top and Bottom

By StudentWyckoff
The normal triple top has no gaps between
the tops. The same philosophy applies in this pattern as in the triple top. In
each case, the stock rises to a certain price level and is repelled two times.
The third attempt at that price is successful by the stock’s moving through
the level shown by a column of X’s exceeding the point of resistance. since
the stock was repelled twice at that same level, there are apparently sell
orders there. The reason is not important. What is important is that there
are sellers at that particular level. The only way to know if demand can
overtake the selling pressure is to see how the stock negotiates the level
again. simply stated, if the stock is repelled again at this level of resistance,
the sellers are still there. You need not know any more. If the stock exceeds
that level, then demand has overcome the supply that previously caused it
to reverse. This is why we always wait for a particular level to be exceeded
before we make a long or short commitment in the stock.

Friends, I conduct training in an individual format and in a limited number of students, since a large number will interfere with my trading!
The training course includes :
The Wyckoff Method
Demark method
A trading method tailored to your psychotype
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For details, write in a personal message

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