
Ninja Talks EP 22: 500 Followers!

First off thanks for 500 followers, seems people like my Ninja Talks, so I'll keep um coming.

In today's episode I want to talk about two types of anger traders go through in the market, one makes you win and one makes you lose.

* Anger Numero Uno

The first is pure rage, complete emotionality and it's what the majority of traders even seasoned pros know very well. In poker this would be called "tilting", in trading it's the same shiz it's just the catalyst appears different, they see cards we see candlesticks. Anyway back to the rage, quick story; many-o-moons ago I tilted and blew up my entire trading account (which was basically my entire net worth at the time), I screamed and rubbed my face so aggressively I dislocated my jaw! It's still not 100% aligned years later. This is the brutality of giving into the 1st anger, it takes no prisoners and will at any moment dash your emotional AND physical well being 1000mph at the wall until you learn to master it.

* Which brings me to the second Anger.

The second Anger, if verbalised, would sound something like "That's it! Let's fuc🤬ING go!", it's a "game on" mentality, not tilted but ready - you understand you're down, but your not giving up - you remain calm but awake.

I'll give you an example, back in the day I had an MMA fight after not training for two years. Completely out of shape I took the fight on one week's notice lost 15lbs and jumped in there underweight, depleted, injured and weirdly stupidly confident. Round one begins and I'm tired after just 1 minute, the "gentlemen" across from me realising this proceeds to plod forward and tee off on my baldy head and skinny legs, but then something happened - my mind snapped out of it and basically said "Enough! Let's fu🤬ING go!" - I walked forward angry but calm saw his incoming kick grabbed it mid air, diverted it to my right and threw a rear high kick slapping the "gentleman's" temple "CRACKKKK!!!" and down he went, the fight was over just like that.

Here's the thing...

Understanding the difference between these two angers are a defining factor between winning and losing in the financial markets, yet very few learn from their outputs and instead point the finger outwardly at others, don't be that guy and instead learn to channel anger into determinative action.

Make sense Ninja?

Channeling rage (especially as a man) is one of our most potent potentialities, but it must be intentful and purposeful and preferably positive if we want to capture it's true essence.

Meditate on this Ninja.

I'll see you in the next ep!

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