There are several metrics that investors use to determine whether a stock is overvalued. Here are a few commonly used ones:
Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: This is a commonly used valuation metric that compares a company's current stock price to its earnings per share (EPS). If a stock has a high P/E ratio compared to its industry or historical average, it may be considered overvalued.
Price-to-Sales (P/S) Ratio: This metric compares a company's market capitalization to its revenue. A high P/S ratio may indicate that a stock is overvalued.
Price-to-Book (P/B) Ratio: This compares a company's stock price to its book value per share. If a stock has a high P/B ratio compared to its industry or historical average, it may be considered overvalued.
Dividend Yield: If a stock has a very low dividend yield compared to its industry or historical average, it may indicate that investors are paying a premium for the stock and it is overvalued.