TIMING IS EVERYTHING Back in late aug I had a fib and spiral turn sept 2 which based on a fractal gave me two downside target s 1 st 2334 2nd was 2278 the low was 2346.58 cash but in the NYSE AND THE DOW it was an near perfect .618 AT THE LOW AS WELL AS IN THE BANK SECTOR . So were to we go from here ? . iF we stop here into my fib projection was 2762 plus or minus 1 the only real alt target for wave 1 was 2788 from here we should see a strong drop into 2604 plus or minus 5 and form a right shoulder bottom . And then the upside in wave 3 sometime from march low the peak should be MID JULY . From that top is my guess the next bear market into 2022 . over the last year I have made it very clear I saw the jan 27 peak as the bull market . In 1920 s bull the sept 29 top was that of a blowoff I see the same here . BEST OF TRADES !! WAVETIMER
GannHarmonic PatternsWave Analysis

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