This is a stock with strong fundamentals. There are a few key things about this one.The true bottom should be the 30 week MA at 4.50 and that would be amazing getting in at that price but... I feel like this stock has held up pretty well in the recent whiplashes in the S&P 500 and more importantly the 30 week moving average is pointing it straight up so I believe this will not drop any further. If it does, then capitalizing on the drop by buying it would make sense, assuming the market itself isn't taking a shit. Furthermore, you can see the MACD signaled this a few weeks ago, I love the MACD community indicator by ChrisMoody because it shows you a green or red blob when it crosses over. Then promptly after the MACD signal, the RSI crossed over on it's average and it's now centered. I think this stock has the momentum to push up rapidly in price. It's hard to say but around 13-15$ seems chill for a short term sell goal.