An AI Crypto Opportunity~OptimusAI

By PukaCharts
Optimus AI - OOPTI

- DSS Bressert high cross suggests potential decline
before a move higher
- Could be 11-15 days of downward/sideways price
action as per pattern on chart
- An ideal new entry for me would be between 0.117
and 0.113 with…the a higher low established @
0.095 being a stop loss point
- This offers a nice Risk/Reward Ratio of 14 (160%+
potential profit vs – 12% loss).

This AI token was recently brought to my attention by the great jonbking from one of his brilliant ChartWizardsNFT weekly reports which I highly recommend.

The chart is just my angle of play for this one, and it might not play out like that at all, I'm intrigued though to see what happens over the coming 2 to 4 weeks

Optimus AI - OOPTI Update

As predicted the DSS Bressert has crossed and we got a correction down to the buy zone and a bounce off the POC.

Well done to all those that held off on a buy and placed a bid at the POC or in the Buy Zone.

Importantly, we are aware that after the DSS cross on 15th Sept 2023 that we typically have 11 - 15 days of downward price pressure. This means we "could" revisit the POC or lower between the 27th Sept - 1st Oct 2023 which is day 11 and day 15.

This does not guarantee a better or lower entry. What it means is that an entry between day 11 to 15 as the DSS bottoms would be less risky than entering right now (if you missed the bounce of POC).

If you have not got in on this trade, I would be patient again and await day 11 - 15. If you are already in, well done your sitting with a good initial bid.

Remember to place a stop as outlined in the chart. I will share a chart in the comments that includes the DSS Bressert cross (limitation of tradingview).

Optimus OOPTI

So far this has played out as exactly as expected from utilizing chart history and the DSS Bressert crosses.

It looks like we are on course as predicted to potentially revisit the POC or lower. I previously noted that we expected this DSS Bressert swing lower to potentially end between the 27th Sept - 1st Oct 2023 which are days 11 and 15 (see original chart from past post for these days).

Interestingly both the red and blue line on the DSS Bressert look like they are just about to cross into the sub 20 level.

I looked at how many days we typically stay below the 20 level on the DSS Bressert Cross indicator before any sudden moves back up. It ranges from 2 to 10 days we can stay down here below 20 on the indicator (lower parallel red line), however the trade is open to take from now or the POC line at approx. 0.107.

The whole idea of waiting until we were right here is so that we could enter and have a far less risky entry with a tighter stop. This was the plan.

Worth noting also that one time in the past a cross below 20 on the DSS Bressert failed and price continued lower (always a possibility) and that is why it is imperative that you place a hard stop loss 0.0946 or slightly lower.

As always, please do you own due diligence and ensure you are comfortable with a potential - 12% loss on the position should the trade not work out.

This will be a interesting one...


Interesting development

Quote from the prior share:
"it is imperative that you place a hard stop loss 0.0946 or slightly lower."

Price came down and bounced off 0.0950 so the stop has not been triggered and the trade remains open. We will continue to monitor.
Trade closed: stop reached
Optimum AI Update - OOPTI

My stop loss triggered at 0.0946 🫡 More money for the next trade by cutting my losses

We have an interesting scenario where we have come all the way back down to the bottom of the parallel channel and we still have not got the DSS Bressert cross which is typically the bullish trend change trigger.

As mentioned previously, the cross could take up until the 6th Oct 2023 . Whilst we have a technical level to trade off here at the bottom of the parallel channel, as in you could enter here and set a stop under the bottom of the parallel support level BUT... I've been bitten and now I'm shy, so im gunna wait for the cross to confirm before I attempt this trade again.

AIaicoinsaicryptoBeyond Technical AnalysisOPTIoptimusaiOscillatorsParallel Channel
