PANW Is this bank stock reversing or a correction?

By AwesomeAvani
PANW as a stressed back stock has been trending down. However as seen with the regional

banks at large ( KRE as an example ) the bear market had a bullish rally the past couple of

trading days. So, is this a reversal to trade or merely a pullback of the trend down good for

a short entry? On the 15 minute chart price has ascended to outside the Fibonacci bands

(EMA 42 2.618 bands) where mean reversion may soon apply. The fisher transform lines are

approaching the redline above where reversal is statistically likely. On the zero lag MACD,

the lines have crossed and are about to cross the zero line. Overall, the chart suggests to be

that PANW and perhaps the regional banks in general are merely taking a break from the trend

down. I see this as an entry opportunity to join the continuation of the trend and will take

a short position.
PACW short shares paid well today as the price dropped 15% after the start of the trading week. Looking for more until a federal rescue,
Down trend continuation shorts are hedged in small part with calls on KRE.
banksshortfederalreserveFibonacciKREMoving AveragesOscillatorsPANWrecessionzerolagmacd
