Photocure $PHO.OL stock rally ahead of Q4 report - One to watch

By savepiginvest
Photocure stock reacted with a heavy (overdone?) correction after the Q3 report, but has recovered nicely in later weeks.

As mentioned in an earlier TradingView analysis (, NOK 36 and downwards presented a very good buying opportunity, which culminated when the correction bottomed at NOK 32,5 which was a very solid resistance upwards for a long time.

Entry at these levels should probably be done with a keen eye on risk management and new investors may want to wait for the soon to come Q4 2018 report before making a move, but the long term uptrend looks promising, and at a valuation of only 113 million USD this Norwegian microcap could go a long way yet.

Quoting Pengana capital about their position in Photocure:

"Photocure has a current market capitalisation of USD $130 million and we estimate 2018 revenue of USD $25 million which is small compared to the potential US market opportunity valued at $1.3 billion. The company has also had great success in selling its product in Europe, with an 80% penetration in bladder surgery procedures in Scandinavia followed by 30% in Germany."
Trade closed: target reached
As was somewhat expected, by the traditional habit of biotech selling the news the stock reacted downwards.
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