The Empire Strikes Back!

By wildjosh1995
France and other countries in Europe (nutless wonders) are beginning to lock down due to new Covid strains that are resistant to current vaccines. Oil is taking a slide. There may be an expeditious rotation back into tech soon. Once the Hedge funds decide to rotate out of Industrials and 'Value stocks' into Tech, there will be an enormous bull run for a few weeks. The NASDAQ may peak at 15,000 points before the next correction begins.

Most people are sheep and will follow the dictates of corrupt governments and the fearmongering press. If the new Covid strains spread to America (almost guaranteed) there will be a new round of panic, postponement of reopening (especially in Blue states), and more Zoom. Thus a rotation into tech, the DJI will go down to 29,000, while the NASDAQ bounces to 15,000 points. Palantir is nearing a critical point for a massive leap in share price similar to mid January.
Now is a good time to buy tech.

Warren Buffet couldn't of said it better: "We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful".
Once Palantir leaps into the upper $30 range, take the money and run!
Trend Analysis
