Opened (IRA): QQQ October 28th 254/December 16th 306 LPD*

... for a 39.41 debit.

Comments: Re-erecting my QQQ short delta hedge here in this strength, buying the back expiry 90 delta and selling the front expiry 30. Cost basis of 39.41 for a 52 wide with a 266.59 break even. Max profit of 12.59; 50% max of 6.30, so I'm entering a GTC order to take profit at 45.71.

* -- Long Put Diagonal.
Trade active
Rolled the October 28th 254 to the November 4th 254 for a 1.63 credit. Cost basis of 37.78 with a 268.22 break even on a 52 wide.
Trade active
Rolled the November 4th 254 to the November 11th 254 for an .89 credit in this weakness. Cost basis of 36.89 with a 269.11 break even on a 52 wide. Also rolled my SPY setup, but am waiting to see if I get any weakness in small caps before rolling the IWM short put.
Trade active
Rolled "as is" to the November 18th for 1.24. Cost basis of 35.65 with a 270.35 break even on a 52 wide.
Trade closed: target reached
Lol. Hit my profit target of 41.95 after rolling this morning. 6.30 ($630) profit. Will re-erect this almost immediately ... .
Beyond Technical AnalysislongputdiagonaloptionsstrategiesQQQshortdeltahedge
