Roche primary trendline analysis [Monthly]

Hello Everyone,

I would like to share with you my idea regarding Roche (SIX:ROG). This is not a trade advice.

There is a chance that Roche stock will continue to rise for some time and if following conditions are met, it can event break out and increase significantly. However, keep in mind that these primary trendlines are NOW resistance levels and only if broken will become supports for FUTURE corrections. Therefore, neutral strategy.

1) RSI
There is an interesting setup on RSI indicator. By connecting highs on RSI: C-D-E we receive a primary RSI trend line that starts in November 2014. IF the RSI crosses over that trend line in point E there is a chance for major break out and price my increase very rapidly to the upside. Line A-B-C is even better primary trend line, to watch out in the future if the RSI crosses over line C-D-E. If this happens C-D-E will become a new resistance for future corrections.

2) MACD (4,9,3) - 12,26,9 is a default setup for MACD, but it much slower.
On MACD there is a trend line K-L that was crossed over in M starting a break-out form 235 in early 2017 to 265 in May 2017. This high on MACD (point of cross over on MACD) from May 2017 is point N that became part of new primary trendline K-N to watch for in nearest future if the price point P is approaching K-N trendline.

3) On MACD (4,9,3) MACD lines crossed over each other in point O giving a solid buy signal (June 2018) - watch out for sell signal on MACD

4) Price line
Current price (July 2018) approaches point 5 that is a part of primary trendline 3-4-5 (with 3 being a 52-Week high). If this trend line is crossed it may allow a major break out to the upside. If that happens line 1-2-3 will be a resistance trendline, but if crossed could also begin a rally up.

I hope that Earning Report will be favorable. If yes, it may give a slight push and on RSI there will be a break-out (point E) that will soon follow on other indicators giving fuel for price increase.

Please share your thoughts with me.

Technical IndicatorsTrend Analysis
