Is ROKU ready to reverse and recover?

By AwesomeAvani
ROKU here is on a one hour chart. IT has trended down from from its supply/ resistance area

of 65-68 and has dipped into its demand/ support zone of 52-53 per the Luxalgo indicator.

Price is presently far below the high volume area of the volume profile which shows the

the highest volume at 64. At this point, short sellers are buying to cover and take profit.

Price is now at the lowermost VWAP bands in the deep undervalued area. Bargain hunters

such as myself now have an interest. Fundamentally, the last earnings report was

reasonably favorable given the context of the general market and the economy.

I see ROKU as a long-trade candidate at this point. It should follow AAPL, TSLA, META GOOG

and other mega-caps and begin an uptrend. ROKU has high volume high liquidity and

relatively narrow spreads. I will take a call option trade striking $50 with a

DTE of 30-45 days. IF it performs well, at 21-30 days I will roll it into another.
Trade active
Call option trade taken at the opening is up 16% at mid-day. So far so good.
Trade active
ROKU bounced well out of a double bottom. Added to position while general market was doing down to get the best price.
Trade active
Call options rose 40 % today. NVDA big earnings will help pull any tech stocks higher. Loading up ROKU but also , NVDA, AMD, BULZ, META, TSLA, GOOG TECL and tech retailer reporting earnings Best Buy
Trade active
Continued upward trend but due to rest in consolidation. Call options went up 76% taking profit off half. running the remaining to sell off one each high of day for
the next six trading days.
anchoredvwapBULZliquiditylowspreadMoving AveragesNFLXROKUSupply and DemandvolumeprofileanalysisVolumevwapbands
