ROKU trade for upcoming earnings LONG

By AwesomeAvani
ROKU is here on a 15 minute chart. An anchored VWAP breakout from the lowermost bands

three days prior to earnings suggests to me a long trade through the earnings. The target

is on the chart as the recent high pivots and mean VWAP line. This is a swing trade of about

4-5 days expectant for a 6% gain and perhaps more with a call option trade to supplement

the shares.
Trade active
Zoom in with position taking details snapshot
Trade active
ROKU move up today- Trade is risk free with a 5% trailing stop loss. One option closed out of 10 with a 24% profit. two days until earnings. snapshot
ROKU is looking good going into earnings. Will add to the position if Wednesday morning price action can get over the high of day from the previous session.

Awaiting a price rise over the previous pivot high for a buy signal.


Trade closed at pivot high will go long again when price climbs above the previous
pivot. Earnings tomorrow. Sideways haflway through the day.
Trade active
Re-entered above previous pivot. Earnings reported was a big beat. Expect price
and volume momentum here. snapshot
Trade closed: stop reached
Small loss taken. Moved to watchlist maybe a trend continuation short develops.
Moving AveragesNFLXpre-earningsplayrelativestrengthbreakoutROKUstreamingwarsVolumevwapbreakout
