Here is my math:

3/4 are wrapping upper trendline = buyers are coming out.
1/4 (RTY) isn't testing upper trendline, but did not create new swing low.

Add it together, and I think there is a bullish case for the afternoon.

I really want to go long on all four, but I have a history of freestyling more than absolutely necessary, and the MA's (which are meant to help me) are still down. For the sake of long term growth I think I have to resign to an observatory role. Maybe I'll check back in for the afternoon session and see how we close.

This would be one of those times I take all the trades on my sim account and turn over a couple grand. I really hate to do that. It gives me a big head with nothing to show for it, but I think that's my safest and best positive action at the moment.


In the end this is just a big bet that the markets are going to buy back what they sold off this morning. I have a tendency to think I can predict the future through these stories I tell myself. And, I know that's not the proven path. They did sell pretty stinking hard meaning there is now a lot to be made on the way back up.

My following thoughts are... It's only Tuesday, meaning this could go on all week... followed by... If I bought now without a stop loss, or a super low stop loss, and held on tight, I could probably capture at least 100-200 points on the NQ. probably more.
afternoonhigherindecesmarketsTrend Analysis
