Price has been moving in a 24% downtrend range since it's breakdown from its $4 support. See my weekly swing analysis for lines drawn in the sand here: -

(Take note of the full Fib retracement since ATHs @ 0.236 red level $4.09 - RESISTANCE)

$RUNE - Weekly swing idea

Standard DEVIATIONS can be seen at the top of the range at 13 & 16 May – there’s also one persistent deviation at the bottom of the range between 26-29 May.

Currently, price seems to be trading in deviation out of the smaller parallel channel you can see on the 45(ish) degree angle – thus reenforcing my bullish weekly swing scenario trend analysis (see link above^)

I project that we see price rejection @ Fib level blue 0.66 – around this level there are three clusters of price action toward the top of the range acting as HEAVY RESISTENCE.

The price action here is accumulating here in a demand zone after falling through its $4 support.

(Use the Googles to search “supply and demand resistance and support” for further information.)

Given we can agree that we are accumulating rather than distributing - it stands to reason that the upcoming movements away from the range are… – up only!

The strategy I would employ requires three layers – or bullets – as I like to call ‘em. Begin layering your position with a bid from @ fib green 0.5 followed by two more bids through to @ fib gold 0.382.

You can see what bid prices I use on the right of the graphic - but choose as you will.

Why three bids? Given how bullish price action is behaving – It’s easy – I would be way too sorry to assume my most greedy bid would be filled! If I snag 1 or 2 hey! At least I’m in.

Long and short of it ( no puns intended ) – My weekly idea for a $7 Runecoin is just warming up.

Get them bids in! or don’t!


This is not intended as financial advice – educational and entertainment purposes only.

Chart PatternsrunerunecoinrunelongRUNEPERPRUNEUSDRUNEUSDTruneusdtanalysisruneusdtlongRUNEUSDTPERPTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
