Raven going the way of the Dodo?

By J167889
This is not financial advice. These are my thoughts written out to help my own trading decisions. Do your own due diligence.

I've been studying the different coins that have been delisted in the past by Binance. Some signs that typically point towards a delisting seem to be:

1. precipitous drop in trading volume and sustained periods of low volume and liquidity.

You can see a consistent drop in volume since the March 2019 pump. A 94% drop from the top to where we are now. Binance makes their money through trading fees. The coin has also spent the majority of it's existence below the 50 ma in volume. Binance is constantly balancing the risk of hacks, regulatory issues, etc...against the reward of how much they earn through trading fees. With that in mind, how does Binance's interest square with how this coin has performed for them? Less volume = less fees earned.

2. order book action. Are the market maker's manipulating the price to accumulate or distribute their positions? What is the trade history. What is price that is actually being bought and sold?

Market makers appear to be exiting their positions in a controlled manner. When observing the price action there are more large sell orders that come through followed by small buy orders to maintain the price. Buy walls appear to backfill and act like support. Yet the price is continuing to drop. Do they know something?

3. the coin's community interest, support, and ability to address issues.

Unaddressed inflation event due to an exploit that occurred in July that allowed for hackers to mint 6 million RVN. The inflation event caused an increase of 1.5% of maximum supply and a 5% increase of current supply. So far the creators, and community, are at odds on how to address this. These points lead to an, "(un)*healthy, sustainable blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem".

These factors lead me to believe that delisting is possible and likely to happen in the near future.

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