6 Top Trading Time Wasters

By Timonrosso
You need to stop wasting precious time.

I have had members who’ve been with me for 15 years and haven’t even taken a trade.

I have written this article in a way that you can relate to the problems with traders wasting time.

#1. Wait for Inspiration

Trader A: “I just can’t trade today. I’m waiting for that magical moment when inspiration strikes!”


Waiting for inspiration in trading is like waiting for money to rock up at your doorstop.
It doesn’t happen!

Successful traders create their own inspiration, discipline and integration by TAKING ACTION.

You want a sign.

Here’s a sign.

Start today, do not delay and don’t wait for another sign.

#2. Complaining

Trader A: “The market is so unpredictable and complicated! I can’t catch a break.”

SOLUTION: Stop complaining and start acting, adapting, growing and evolving.

Markets change, that’s the only constant about it.

And they move up, down and sideways.

So, instead of moaning about it, embrace the volatility.

Complaining won’t make you a better trader, but adapting to change will.

#3. Doubting

Trader A: “I’m not sure if I can make this trade. It’s going to be a loser.”

SOLUTION: Doubt is the enemy of success.

Trust your analysis, track record and your stats.

Stick to your strategy just keep at it.

This is a long term game to success.

When you doubt yourself, you manifest a deeper element of self-failure.

You need to stop wasting precious time and opportunities.

Confidence, certainty and trust is key!

#4. Comparing

Trader A: “Look at their profits! I wish I could trade like them.”

SOLUTION: Comparison is the thief of joy and the delayer of self success.

You should only focus on your own journey.

You are running your own marathon.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been trading.,
It doesn’t matter if others are doing better.

You need to focus on your trading time line.

#5. Excuse Giving

Trader A: “I didn’t trade well because the market was too volatile.”

SOLUTION: Excuses won’t make you a better trader.
I don’t have enough time.
I don’t have enough money.
I don’t have enough experience
I don’t have enough patience.
I don’t have enough anything.

I repeat – Excuses won’t make you a better trader.

Take responsibility and take accountability for your decisions, good or bad.

Learn from your mistakes and use them to refine your trading strategy, stats and track record.

Excuses only waste time; accountability fuels improvement.

#6. Fear of Failure

Trader A: “What if I lose all my money? I can’t handle the risk.”

SOLUTION: As I always like to say.

You ONLY fail when you quit.

Fear is natural, but letting it control your actions is a mistake.

You need to manage your trading and risks better.

You need stay laser focused with tunnel vision.

With trading you should not AVOID losses – as they are inevitable.

You should embrace both winners and losses to come with the trading venture.

You can’t win them all. But you also can’t lose them all.

Keep that in mind when you trade.


So, by now you should have one thing in your mind.

Stop wasting time with your trading.

Every day you delay is another profit opportunity you’re letting go of.

Let’s sum up the 6 Time Wasters with trading.

#1. Wait for Inspiration
#2. Complaining
#3. Doubting
#4. Comparing
#5. Excuse Giving
#6. Fear of Failure
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Trade Well,
Timon Rossolimos
Founder, MATI Trader
(Pro trader since 2003)
