Another Bad Week, We are Not cutting our losses at 10$ even after today's news about the 300M Offering.
We remain confident with Sabre ability to be resilient with holiday seasons ahead in Q4. We would like to see better Oil prices coming from increased demand due to back to school back to office back to travel and tourism coming ahead which lifts the Airline's balance sheets to better valuations.
Sadly SABR is getting no love due to its most recent price action and lack of certainty in the travel markets. Initially, we had more people vocal about government subsidies for Airlines and Tourism covered by JP and Mnuchin last year. However, with more and more people vaccinated, we are down from 16 to less than 10$ today in pre-market.
We don't expect to drop further from here and shall be averaging down, with 9.85$ is the 61.8% Fib yet to be broken, we shall be looking to buy only below 10$ to average down.